Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Data-driven learning: a call for a broader research gaze
(Cambridge University Press, 2021-04)
Over the last three decades, data-driven learning (DDL) has been widely championed by those of us who see the exciting opportunities that it can bring to the language learner. From the initial days of DDL, there has been ...
The impact of usage-based approaches on second language learning and teaching
(Cambridge University Press, 2020-09)
The application of usage-based models of language learning began to gain ground in the early twenty-first century, particularly in the field of first language acquisition, and, more recently, are gaining traction in second ...
Playful maths! The influence of play-based learning on academic performance of Palestinian primary school children
(Springer, 2022-02-11)
This study explores the relationship between play-based learning and achievement in mathematics in Palestinian elementary school children. Forty teachers from eight schools received training in play-based pedagogies and ...
The clustering of physical activity and screen time behaviours in early childhood and impact on future health-related behaviours: a longitudinal analysis of children aged 3 to 8 years
(BMC, 2022-03-21)
Meeting physical activity and screen time guidelines has been associated with improved health in children. Research has shown that lifestyle behaviours happen in combination and can be tracked into later life. Thus, a ...
Engaging practitioners as co-researchers in national policy evaluations as resistance to patriarchal constructions of expertise: the case of the end of year three evaluation of the access and inclusion model
(Frontiers Media, 2022-12-23)
Seventeen Practitioner Researchers (PRs) were engaged as co-researchers in an evaluation commissioned by Ireland’s Department of Childhood, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY), as an innovative aspect in ...