Now showing items 1-2 of 2
On moduli stacks of G-bundles over a curve (Pre-published version)
(Springer, 2010)
Let C be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed eld k of arbitrary characteristic. Given a linear algebraic group G over k, let MG be the moduli stack of principal G-bundles on C. We determine the set of ...
Moduli stacks of vector bundles on curves and the King–Schofield rationality proof (Pre-published version)
(Springer, 2010)
Let C be a connected smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 2 over an algebraically closed field k. Consider the coarse moduli scheme Bunr,d (resp. Bunr,L) of stable vector bundles on C with rank r and degree d ∈ Z (resp. ...