Browsing by Title
Now showing items 628-647 of 2156
Facilitating inquiry based learning in mathematics teacher education
(SMEC [Science and Mathematics Education Conference], 2010)A driving question in teacher education centers on how to help prospective teachers become expert teachers. The absence of a shared professional curriculum to prepare teachers to teach mathematics combined with the difficulty ... -
The factorial validity and reliability of three versions of the aggression questionnaire using confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory structural equation modelling (Pre-published version)
(Elsevier, 2016)The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) measures aggression in four domains: Anger, Hostility, Physical Aggression and Verbal Aggression. Moreover, a number of shorter versions of the AQ have emerged. The present study used a ... -
Factual fictions: an investigation into audience understandings of documentary
(2022-09-05)The aim of this thesis is to investigate audience understandings of documentary. A review of the relevant literature was carried out on the areas of: the Evolution of Documentary; Subjectivity, Objectivity and Truth; Reality ... -
Failure, guilt, confession, redemption? Revisiting unpublished research through a psychosocial lens (Pre-published version)
(The Association for Psychological Studies, 2017)This article offers some critical reflections on a case of failure to bring a qualitative research project to completion and publication earlier in the author’s career. Possible explanations are considered in light of ... -
Fanon's one big idea: Ireland and postcolonial studies
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2004)Postcolonial theory has been, and remains, one of the dominant modes of literary and cultural criticism within the broader discourse of Irish Studies. This thesis will provide a summary theoretical interrogation of the ... -
Father engagement with disability services: the perceptions and experiences of fathers and psychologists
(2023-09-26)Background and Aims: This study sought to explore father engagement with disability services in Ireland by capturing the perceptions and experiences of fathers of children with an intellectual disability or developmental ... -
Fear of Social Isolation: Testing an Assumption from the Spiral of Silence
(Irish Communications Review, 2000)An untested assumption of the Spiral of Silence has been whether people’s fear of social isolation affects their willingness to voice their opinions in public, especially if their opinions are in the minority. It has also ... -
Fear, framing and foreigners: the othering of immigrants in the Irish print media
(Palgrave & Macmillan, 2006)Recent public attitudes research indicates that Ireland has witnessed both an increase in levels of intolerance generally and in racism in particular. Using a frame analysis approach this paper examines how the Irish print ... -
Feeding back feedback – Towards a cyclical model for learner support
(Ireland Aid and Centre for Educational Disadvantage Research, 2003) -
Figuring Phantasmagoria: The Tradition of the Fantastic in Irish Modernism.
(Used by permission © Centre for Irish Studies, Aarhus(CISA), Dalarna University Centre for Irish Studies(DUCIS), Nordic Irish Studies Network(NISN)., 2011) -
Filíocht Sheacaibíteach Phiarais Mhic Gearailt
(Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, 2007) -
Finding the missing link (Pre-published version)
(The Irish Times, 2008)Education: Is it time to sacrifice the sacred cow of Irish education - the Leaving Cert? -
Fired from the canon: Waking the feminists, the conference
(The Irish Times, 2017) -
Five ideas for using authentic television clips (Pre-published version)
(FELT [Forum for English Language Teachers (Ireland)], 2001)Television offers many opportunities for materials development. Below are five prototype lessons based around different genres of television material: soap opera; film; comedy; advertising and news broadcast. Before you ... -
"Five Minute Fables:" Episode 1
(2006) -
"Five Minute Fables:" Episode 2