FACULTY OF ARTS: Recent submissions
Now showing items 481-500 of 995
Maternity services in the Irish mass media: an analysis of media content from 2007–2012
(BMJ Publishing Group Ltd & Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, 2013)The mass media play a key role in informing the public about matters of public interest and, critically, in the actual shaping of public opinion about those matters. With this in mind, the purpose of this study was to ... -
Relationships between mental toughness, barriers to exercise, and exercise behaviour in undergraduate students
(University of Wollongong, Australia, 2017)The present study explored relationships between mental toughness (MT), barriers to exercise, and self reported exercise behaviour in university students. Perceived barriers to exercise are important since previous work ... -
The model of motivational dynamics in sport: resistance to peer influence, behavioral engagement and disaffection, dispositional coping, and resilience
(Frontiers, 2016)The Model of Motivational Dynamics (MMD; Skinner and Pitzer, 2012) infers that peers influence behavioral engagement levels, which in turn is linked to coping and resilience. Scholars, however, are yet to test the MMD among ... -
The development of a new sport-specific classification of coping and a meta-analysis of the relationship between different coping strategies and moderators on sporting outcomes
(Frontiers, 2016)There is an ever growing coping and sports performance literature, with researchers using many different methods to assess performance and different classifications of coping. As such, it makes it difficult to compare ... -
Perceptions of coach–athlete relationship are more important to coaches than athletes in predicting dyadic coping and stress appraisals: an actor–partner independence mediation model
(Frontiers, 2016)Most attempts to manage stress involve at least one other person, yet coping studies in sport tend to report an athlete’s individual coping strategies. There is a limited understanding of coping involving other people, ... -
Academic self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between Scottish index of multiple deprivation and composite attainment score
(Frontiers, 2017)A developing literature continues to testify to the relationship between higher socio-economic status (SES) and better academic attainment. However, the literature is complex in terms of the variety of SES and attainment ... -
Alcohol behaviors across perceived parental security profiles in adolescents
(Journal of Child & Adolescent Behavior, 2016)Background: Previous research has suggested a bivariate or correlational relationship between attachment scores and alcohol use behaviors among adolescents. Methods: The present study is a person-oriented analysis of the ... -
Nutritional knowledge and eating habits of professional rugby league players: does knowledge translate into practice?
(BioMed Central, 2015)Background: Adequate nutrient intake is important to support training and to optimise performance of elite athletes. Nutritional knowledge has been shown to play an important role in adopting optimal nutrition practices. ... -
An túrscéal stairiúil sa Ghaeilge 1993-2013
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)Tá plé á dhéanamh sa tráchtas seo ar na húrscéalta stairiúla ar fad a scríobhadh sa Ghaeilge sa tréimhse 1993 – 2013. Cúig úrscéal déag ar fad a scríobhadh idir na blianta sin agus pléitear iad go léir sa tráchtas seo. ... -
Audio production in youth work: an international comparative case study between Irish and South African community radio stations
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)In this dissertation I examine the potential for audio production in a youth development setting, located within a community radio station. In particular I explore how participation in audio training can offer participants ... -
Local government and local economic development: perceptions and experiences of the Local Government (Reform) Act 2014
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)Local government is an important service provider to the people of Ireland. It is also a key component in the democratic structures of the State. However in comparison with other countries, Ireland is seen as highly ... -
'Further up and further in': Biblical themes and imagery in C.S. Lewis' The chronicles of Narnia
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013)Clive Staples Lewis is one of the most popular and renowned authors and lay theologians of the twentieth century. Lewis is best known for The Chronicles of Narnia series, which has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide. ... -
"A Land Poisoned": Eugene McCabe and Irish Postcolonial Gothic (Pre-published)
(Manchester University Press, 2013)While many of Eugene McCabe’s works adhere to the recognisable features of literary naturalism, including a fraught exposition of character, realist narrative language and pessimistic tone, it is my intention to spotlight ... -
Ireland and Ecocriticism: An Introduction (Pre-published)
(2013)Contemporary Irish history, specifically that of the past twenty years, saw the nature of the relationship between people and land alter dramatically and, in large part, detrimentally. So that while ‘land’ and ‘value’ have ... -
Aliens in wartime: reactions and responses to foreign nationalities and minorities in Ireland during the First World War
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013)Ireland was a diverse society made up of various nationalities and ethnic minorities before the twentieth century. Relationships and tensions have developed between these various ‘foreign’ groups and Ireland’s host nation ... -
"The East" as a Transit Space in the New Europe? Transnational Train Journeys in Prose Poems by Kurt Drawert, Lutz Seiler and Ilma Rakusa (Pre-published version)
(Wiley, 2015)The past three decades, following the collapse of the Iron Curtain, have seen the development of a ‘European literature’ characterised by the emergence of transnational subjects and spaces. This also applies to a Europe ... -
‘Rivers of ink’: searching for authentic representations of the Holocaust – words, pictures and the stories they tell
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)The Holocaust haunts the European mind, and its reverberations continue to this day. However, for those of us who were not there, all our knowledge, understanding and experience of this event is expressed in representations ...