Dignitatis humanae: public funding and divesting of faith schools in a liberal state
Conway, E., Finegan, T. (2016) 'Dignitatis Humanae: public funding and divesting of faith schools in a liberal state.' Melita Theologica: Journal of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta 66(1), pp. 47-68. ISSN: 1012-9588.

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Conway, Eamonn
Finegan, Tomas
Peer Reviewed
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Conway, E., Finegan, T. (2016) 'Dignitatis Humanae: public funding and divesting of faith schools in a liberal state.' Melita Theologica: Journal of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Malta 66(1), pp. 47-68. ISSN: 1012-9588.
This article examines a largely overlooked element of Dignitatis Humanae:, that is, its relevance for the question of whether or not the State has a duty to fund faith schools. To this end the fragmentary remarks of a number of commentators are examined, as well as the text, context and dra!ing of the Declaration itself. Dignitatis Humanae is also compared to another Vatican
II document in this regard, namely Gravissimum Educationis. "e analysis is extended to an area which has not, so far as the authors are aware, been explicitly dealt with by moral theologians: the question of whether there could be a duty of the Church to divest itself of control of some of its schools and transfer them to the State.
Public fundingDivesting
Faith schools
Liberal state