Geography (Peer-reviewed publications): Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 63
Profiling efforts to establish voluntary stewardship in a river catchment
(Geographical Society of Ireland, 2024-09-10)River water quality in Ireland is in decline. The Maigue River in County Limerick exemplifies this decline with degrading chemical and ecological water quality. The most significant pressures are agriculture, and to a ... -
Lakes in Ireland: mirrors of change
(Independently published, 2024)Water is the defining element of Ireland’s natural heritage. The mild, wet climate shapes the landscape, endowing the island with an extraordinary number of lakes. This book showcases these lakes, emphasising the importance ... -
Towards the development of all-island spatial databases
(Regional Studies Association, 2007) -
Age constraints on Precambrian glaciations and the subdivision of Neoproterozoic time
(Subcommission on Neoproterozoic Stratigraphy, 2005)A review of age constraints on the Neoproterozoic glaciations suggests that at least four distinct glacial events can be recognised, three of which appear to be global. These are (in order from oldest to youngest) the ... -
Non-mineralised discoidal fossils from the Ordovician Bardahessiagh formation, Co. Tyrone, Ireland
(Royal Irish Academy, 2010)Four non-mineralised fossils from the Ordovician Bardahessiagh Formation, near Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone, have been examined for the first time following their recovery from a temporary trench dug in 1992, and are here described ... -
Cryptic disc structures resembling Ediacaran discoidal fossils from the lower Silurian Hellefjord Schist, Arctic Norway
(Public Library of Science, 2016)The Hellefjord Schist, a volcaniclastic psammite-pelite formation in the Caledonides of Arctic Norway contains discoidal impressions and apparent tube casts that share morphological and taphonomic similarities to Neoproterozoic ... -
Disc-shaped fossils resembling porpitids or eldonids from the early Cambrian (series 2: stage 4) of western USA
(PeerJ, 2017)The morphology and affinities of newly discovered disc-shaped, soft-bodied fossils from the early Cambrian (Series 2: Stage 4, Dyeran) Carrara Formation are discussed. These specimens show some similarity to the Ordovician ... -
Status for Irish lake typologies using palaeolimnological methods and techniques (IN-SIGHT)
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2007) -
Past, current and future interactions between pressures, chemical status and biological quality elements for lakes in contrasting catchments in Ireland (ILLUMINATE)
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2010) -
Delivering integrated catchment management through the bottom-up approach: a critical analysis
(Environmental Protection Agency, 2016)Managing our water is essential to support life and protect our ecosystems. Integrated catchment management= (ICM) is about bringing water issues, people and organisations together at the right scale in order to achieve ... -
Climate history through the holocene at Lochnagar, Scotland
(Royal Irish Academy, 2001) -
Natural capital: an inventory of Irish lakes
(Geographical Society of Ireland, 2018)Lakes are important components of our landscape and along with networks of rivers and streams provide a range of important ecosystem services and natural capital. Estimates of lake numbers, particularly small lakes, have ... -
Contrasting pelagic plankton in temperate Irish lakes: the relative contribution of heterotrophic, mixotrophic and autotrophic components, and the effects of extreme rainfall events (Pre-published version)
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)The mobilisation of energy from allocthonous carbon by heterotrophic bacterioplankton can be proportionally more important than autotrophic production in humic lakes. Moreover, increasing levels of dissolved organic carbon ... -
Integrating observed, inferred and simulated data to illuminate environmental change: a limnological case study (Pre published)
(Royal Irish Academy, 2016)Effective management of aquatic ecosystems requires knowledge of baseline conditions and pastvariations in stressors and their effects in order to mitigate the impacts of future variability and change. This study utilizes ... -
The palaeolimnology of Lough Murree, a brackish lake in The Burren, Ireland
(Royal Irish Academy, 2013)Lough Murree, a rock/karst barrier lagoon, is superficially isolated from the sea and seasonal variations in lake water level reflect precipitation and groundwater variation. Lake salinity influenced by subsurface saline ... -
Keeping track mapping and tracking vulnerable young people
(The Policy Press, 2001)The notion of social exclusion, and the need for its existence and effects to be addressed and combated by government social policy, has gained great prominence in recent years, as illustrated by the establishment and work ... -
Geographical mobility family impacts
(The Policy Press, 2003)This study examines the family impacts of geographical mobility, with particular emphasis on employer-initiated relocation. It is hoped that the results from this research will add to the understanding of the impacts on ... -
Environmental Justice, Childhood Deprivation and Urban Regeneration.
(Royal Irish Academy, 2014)The notion of environmental justice is connected to the ways in which the goods (and conversely the 'bads') of society are distributed, both socially and spatially. The concept has been most strongly developed in the US, ... -
Regionalisation and the Geography of Poverty
(Poverty Today, 1999-04)There are been considerable debate on regionalisation since the Government's decision to divide the country into two regions to maximize EU structural aid and the subsequent EU decision to confer Objective 1 status on a ... -
A Neighbourhood-level View of Area-Based Interventions
(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014)The rapid increase in the numbers and ranges of state-funded area-based interventions (ABIs) in recent years has been documented in Chapter 6. These interventions and the associated fundings streams are mixed and matched ...