Benefits experienced by older people in group music-making activities
Varvarigou, M., Hallam, S., Creech, A., and McQueen, H. (2012) ‘Benefits experienced by older people who participated in group music-making activities’, Journal of applied arts and health, 3(2), 183-198.

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Varvarigou, Maria
Creech, Andrea
Hallam, Sarah
McQueen, Hilary
Peer Reviewed
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Varvarigou, M., Hallam, S., Creech, A., and McQueen, H. (2012) ‘Benefits experienced by older people who participated in group music-making activities’, Journal of applied arts and health, 3(2), 183-198.
This article focuses on the reported benefits of participation in musical activities identified by people over the age of fifty, who participated in the Music for Life Project. The participants engaged in weekly musical activities offered in three locations; two centres in London and one in the northern of England. Their responses were collected through individual interviews and through written answers to open questions on two questionnaires that were filled in at the beginning of the project (October 2009) and again approximately nine months later. Thematical analysis of participant feedback showed that improvements in quality of life were attributed to active engagement with music and a wide range of cognitive, social, emotional and physical benefits were reported. This article offers an insight into what participants said about improved health, social interactions, emotional support and learning that occurred as a result of active involvement in music and proposes ways through which these reported benefits may be maximised.
Music participation
Qualitative study