Now showing items 41-60 of 128

    • Help for priests 

      Duffy, Eugene (The Furrow, 2002)
      Over the past five years I have met most of the priests of the West of Ireland , and those in many other dioceses as well, and I have listened to them articulate their needs. Almost without exception they have spoken of ...
    • Touching our wounds 

      Conway, Eamonn (The Furrow, 2002)
      These have been harrowing weeks for the Church on both sides of the Atlantic. Grief has displaced Easter glory. The readings of the liturgical season have scarcely been heard over the statements, clarifications and letters ...
    • The value of Theology 

      Conway, Eamonn; de Búrca, Bairbre; O'Callaghan, Denis; Maloney, Oliver; Littleton, John (The Furrow, 2002)
      The Irish Church has been criticized for its lack of theolo gical substance. Of recent years, on the other hand, there has been quite a growth in the study of theology both at the formal student level and at the more ...
    • Technology and mystical Theology 

      Van Nieuwenhove, Rik (The Columbia Press, 2003)
    • The specificity of Christian theosony: towards a theology of listening 

      Ní Riain, Nóirín (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2003)
      The burden of this thesis is to show that of all the existential prevenient sites where nature prepares for the event of revelation, the human ear is the most sensitive and theologically attuned. The foundation stone of ...
    • Caring for clergy offenders 

      Conway, Eamonn (The Furrow, 2003)
      Sex offenders are viewed as the lepers in our society, and clergy sex offenders are considered to be among the worst. Let's be hon est here: it is not just by wider society. We priests are genuinely angry at the crimes of ...
    • A review of "The End of Irish Catholicism?" by D. Vincent Twomey 

      Duffy, Eugene (The Furrow, 2003)
      This is a book which grew out of a paper presented by Twomey to a seminar organized by the Institute of Irish Studies, Fordham University, in 2001. The topic of that seminar was 'The Irish Catholic Church Today'. This may ...
    • A review of "God Still Matters" by Herbert McCabe 

      Duffy, Eugene (The Furrow, 2003)
      Pp. 264. Price ?16.99 stg. Herbert McCabe, who died in 2001, was an outstanding English Dominican scholar and preacher. His working career spanned the entire latter half of the twentieth century and he has left a lasting ...
    • Gute und schlechte Nachrichten. Die Kirche in Irland nach einem schwierigen Jahrzehnt. 

      Conway, Eamonn (2004)
      Die Republik Irland ist nach wie vor eines der "katholischsten" Lander Europas. Das Vertrauen gegenuber der Institution Kirche ist in den ietzten /ahren aber var altern wegen der zahlreich aufgedeckten Faile von Kindesmissbrauch ...
    • An Exodus vision 

      Duffy, Eugene (The Furrow, 2004)
      In an age of informality, proposing a formal toast is not something that one has to do very often. It is a matter of etiquette that needs to be checked out in advance. So, when I checked it out, I discov ered that 'the ...
    • Lay and ordained ministry 

      Connolly, Patrick (The Furrow, 2004)
      In the centuries immediately before Vatican II, the ordained priesthood was understood to be the exclusive locus of ministry in the Catholic Church. Since the Council, things have changed dra matically, and in some parts ...
    • So as not to despise God's grace: re-assessing Rahner's idea of the "anonymous Christian" 

      Conway, Eamonn (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2004)
      Rahner’s idea of the “anonymous Christian” is the best known, most controversial and most often misunderstood aspect of his theology. It is important to re-visit the idea because it is not an “optional extra” in his work ...
    • A review of "The Church: The People of God" by William Henn 

      Duffy, Eugene (The Furrow, 2004)
      William Henn, a Capuchin, is professor of theology at the Gregorian University, Rome, and known for his work in ecclesiology and ecumenism. This book is not an academic treatise on the Church but is rather aimed at a wider ...
    • Episcopal conferences in the context of communion: some notes on the American experience (Pre-published version) 

      Duffy, Eugene (The Catholic University of America Press, 2004)
      In A Report on the Crisis in the Catholic Church in the United States, The National Review Board for the Protection of Children and Young People made numerous observations about the exercise of the episcopal ministry that ...
    • Ethics & values in a digital age 

      McMillan, Barry; Kitt, Tom; Desmond, William; Martin, Diarmuid; McDarby, Gary; Conway, Eamonn (Department of the Taoiseach [Ireland], 2004)
      The Information Society Commission established a Working Group on Values and Ethics in February 2004. This was the final Working Group to be established by the Commission, and consisted of the following ISC members: Michael ...
    • A long way to go 

      Conway, Eamonn (2005)
      The last few weeks have been dark and difficult in the Irish Church. I have heard people, especially priests, say that it has been the most difficult time for them since we started to have to deal with child sexual abuse. ...
    • Theology in Ireland: Changing Contours and Contexts 

      Conway, Eamonn (Veritas, 2005)
      It struck many people as strange that a topic such as this, a particularly broad and general one, would be chosen as the keynote address at a major symposium to honour the lives and work of Bernard Lonergan and Karl Rahner. ...