Educational disadvantage in Limerick: the socio-economic and spatial context
McCafferty D. and A. Canny, 2008. Educational Disadvantage in Limerick: The Socio-Economic and Spatial Context, in Combat Poverty Agency, Why Not Me? Keys to Success in 10 Years Learning, Dublin: Combat Poverty Agency.
McCafferty D. and A. Canny, 2008. Educational Disadvantage in Limerick: The Socio-Economic and Spatial Context, in Combat Poverty Agency, Why Not Me? Keys to Success in 10 Years Learning, Dublin: Combat Poverty Agency.
Relationship between educational and social disadvantage particularly strong in Limerick urban area. As well as economic restructuring, this may be due to the spatial concentration of social disadvantage, and the depth of the problem in certain areas
The strength of the relationship suggests a strong inter-generational (cycle of disadvantage) effect.
Limerick CityEducational disadvantage