Research & Graduate School (Conference proceedings)
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Austerity, resistance and changing values in Ireland: social movement outcomes and political polarization
(RIA [Royal Irish Academy], 2018) -
Europe’s flexibilities: Workplace regimes and worker outcomes
(NUIM [National University of Ireland Maynooth], 2017) -
Experiencing Europe’s changing worlds of work: Intensity, insecurity, intrusion and income stress in workplace regimes
(BSA [British Sociological Association], 2016) -
Manufacturing in Europe, 1995-2010: Reconfiguring interests and institutions
(SASE [Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics], 2015) -
Dualisation and workplace change in Europe
(ESA (European Sociological Association), 2015) -
Predicting welfare attitudes by precarity of work regime using the European social survey and the European working conditions survey
(ISA (International Sociological Association), 2016)