History (Theses)
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The supernatural in the Irish revolution 1916-1923
(2025-03-21)This project's goal is to investigate the supernatural beliefs, practices, and anomalous experiences of Irish revolutionaries and their opponents during the period of 1916-1923. More specifically, along with providing a ... -
Networks of necessity: the Clunes, Clare, and Connecticut connections
(2025-03-19)This thesis will discuss the network connections that existed between a family from Tyredagh Upper townland in Tulla, County Clare, Ireland and Norwalk, Connecticut. Chapter 1 will discuss the conditions that existed in ... -
A study of the life and activities of Sir Stephen Edward De Vere of Curragh Chase, 1812-1904
(2024-10-17)The focus of this thesis is on the life of Sir Stephen Edward De Vere. In some ways, he might be viewed as a peripheral figure in nineteenth-century Irish history. Although he did serve as a Member of Parliament for county ... -
Organised labour in Limerick City, 1810-1899
(2024-09-11)This monograph identifies and describes the nineteenth century workers of Limerick who established and maintained societies, representing both individual occupational groups and multi-occupational alliances. The study ... -
A complicated birth: the Northern Ireland Ministry of Education, 1921-1925
(2023-10-25)The primary purpose of this thesis is to establish the extent to which the development of the nascent Ministry of Education (M.O.E.) in Northern Ireland (N.I.) was defined by its relationship with the Roman Catholic (R.C.) ... -
Irish policemen in the Palestine mandate, 1922-1948
(2022-03-16)This thesis explores Ireland’s influence on and involvement in the policing of British Mandated Palestine and, through an examination of five distinct but interrelated aspects of the Irish experience, assesses Ireland’s ... -
From the hoof to the hook: an investigation of beef processor influence on Irish farm policy and politics, 1950-1986
(2021-06-11)This thesis traces the development of the Irish beef processing industry through its first thirty-six years from 1950 to 1986. It asks how and why meat processing firms became so influential in Irish farming, documenting ... -
‘We think considerable improvement should be made.’ Irish insanity and the Limerick District Lunatic Asylum, 1772-1900
(2021-04-08)The focus of this thesis is the Limerick District Lunatic Asylum (LDLA hereafter), its interconnected institutions and the people who used them. Established in 1827, LDLA was Ireland’s first large-scale provincial district ... -
Contested goals and competing interests: freedpeople's education in North Carolina during the Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1861-1875
(2020-12-18)This dissertation examines the growth and development of North Carolina’s schools for the freedpeople during the Civil War and Reconstruction era, 1861-1875. In particular, it investigates who taught the freedpeople in ... -
The evolution of Irish veterinary practice, 1700-1950
(2020-12-10)This thesis explores the evolution of Irish veterinary practice, especially with regards to cattle practice, over the course of some 250 years. It begins in the eighteenth-century, with a discussion on prominent farriers ... -
The holy wells of County Kilkenny in terms of documentary coverage, location, ritual practice and onomastic concept
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)Not alone is water crucial for human existence but it is fundamental to human religious practices worldwide. This thesis examines holy-well definition which establishes that holy wells are generally natural sources of water ... -
Aliens in wartime: reactions and responses to foreign nationalities and minorities in Ireland during the First World War
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2013)Ireland was a diverse society made up of various nationalities and ethnic minorities before the twentieth century. Relationships and tensions have developed between these various ‘foreign’ groups and Ireland’s host nation ... -
‘Rivers of ink’: searching for authentic representations of the Holocaust – words, pictures and the stories they tell
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2018)The Holocaust haunts the European mind, and its reverberations continue to this day. However, for those of us who were not there, all our knowledge, understanding and experience of this event is expressed in representations ... -
The evolution of Limerick City’s fife and drum band tradition 1840 to 1935
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2017)This thesis examines the evolution and activity of fife and drum bands in Limerick city between 1840 and 1935. The topic was chosen because of the author’s involvement in St Mary’s Fife and Drum Band since 1976 and because ... -
The life and networks of Pamela Fitzgerald, 1773-1831
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2017)This thesis assesses the life of Pamela Fitzgerald. Crucially, it will attempt to tell the story of Pamela Fitzgerald from her own perspective, rather than the viewpoint of her husband, which has dominated for so long. ... -
‘One law, many justices: an examination of the magistracy in Pre-Famine Ireland, 1830-1846’
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016)This thesis examines the role of magistrates in pre-Famine Ireland, examining their relations with one another, with central government, and with local society. It considers the role of the magistracy in enforcing law and ... -
Class, religion and society in Limerick City, 1922-1939
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2016)This study focuses on the civil society which existed in Limerick City between the signing of the Treaty and the outbreak of the Second World War. The purpose of the thesis is to examine this civil society outside of the ... -
A spirit of emulation: the transformation of sport in North Munster, 1850–1890.
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2009) -
Naaman and the Centurion - 2 Kings 5 and Luke 7
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2014)The Gospel of Luke’s is indebted to the Elijah-Elisha material from 1 and 2 Kings. The centurion story of Luke 7:1-10 shares several similar details with the Naaman story of 2 Kings 5. A few scholars have recognized the ... -
A terror to evil doers: The NSPCC and industrial schools in Kilkenny 1927-1937
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2014)This thesis examines the role of the Kilkenny, Carlow and Queen’s County Branch of the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty in the committal of children to industrial schools during the period 1927- 1937. In addition, ...