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The supernatural in the Irish revolution 1916-1923
(2025-03-21)This project's goal is to investigate the supernatural beliefs, practices, and anomalous experiences of Irish revolutionaries and their opponents during the period of 1916-1923. More specifically, along with providing a ... -
Networks of necessity: the Clunes, Clare, and Connecticut connections
(2025-03-19)This thesis will discuss the network connections that existed between a family from Tyredagh Upper townland in Tulla, County Clare, Ireland and Norwalk, Connecticut. Chapter 1 will discuss the conditions that existed in ... -
Gothic trauma in the work of Eugene McCabe
(2025-03-18)This research analyses Eugene McCabe’s contributions to modern Irish writing by examining his engagement with three milestone events in Irish history. The study focuses on McCabe’s works in chronological order, beginning ... -
Never the same river: an interdisciplinary exploration into the confluence of nature, people and place for river catchment stewardship with citizen science
(2025-03-13)Good freshwater quality is essential to supporting healthy people and ecosystems. Measures to reverse deteriorating water quality in surface waterbodies are set out in Ireland’s River Basin Management Plans, under the ... -
Voices from the classroom- an ethnographic case study of teachers' experiences and perspectives of drama and arts education in Irish primary schools
(2025-03-13)Drama is a recognised subject in the Irish primary school curriculum. Whilst research has been conducted into drama education practices in Irish schools, little is known about teachers’ experiences and perceptions of drama ... -
Creative capacity in Ireland: working towards well-being
(Mary Immaculate College, 2022-12-01)This report presents research on creativity and well-being in an Irish context. The research was funded by the Creative Ireland programme through the Irish Research Council’s New Foundations scheme. The research explores ... -
Limerick After the Civil War, 1923-1930: a documentary history
(Limerick City & County Council, 2025-01-28)This volume by Seán William Gannon (Limerick Local Studies) and Brian Hughes (Department of History, Mary Immaculate College) comprises a series of previously unpublished documents selected from a variety of national and ... -
Profiling efforts to establish voluntary stewardship in a river catchment
(Geographical Society of Ireland, 2024-09-10)River water quality in Ireland is in decline. The Maigue River in County Limerick exemplifies this decline with degrading chemical and ecological water quality. The most significant pressures are agriculture, and to a ... -
Lakes in Ireland: mirrors of change
(Independently published, 2024)Water is the defining element of Ireland’s natural heritage. The mild, wet climate shapes the landscape, endowing the island with an extraordinary number of lakes. This book showcases these lakes, emphasising the importance ... -
Creating composites as evidence based research into an approach to counselling therapy (the experience of the propeller model approach)
(Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences, 2022-05-12)As a Post-Doctoral Fellow with Sofia University in Bulgaria, who is a practicing Counselling Therapist with the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, it ... -
Musical setting creation for a Yeats poem: an autoethnographic Irish-Canadian experience
(2024-10-25)The project aims to explore 'what it is like' to create a musical setting for a poem written by WB Yeats as a Canadian born musician of paternal Irish heritage. Exploring the significance of this creative process is to ... -
Therapist awareness of client reduction of self: a daseinanalytic approach
(2022-04-24)Program: Heidegger and the Neuroscience -
An investigation of the concept of Divine Freedom within the philosophical Theology of St Thomas Aquinas
(2024-10-18)This dissertation will investigate the concept of Divine Freedom within the philosophical Theology of St Thomas Aquinas by analysing in detail the arguments that St Thomas Aquinas makes in order to establish that God enjoys ... -
The new theory of vision and its role in Berkeley’s philosophical system
(2024-10-18)This thesis examines George Berkeley’s New Theory of Vision and considers its role within his overall philosophical system. While the core claims of the New Theory and their relation to the later works has engaged much ... -
A study of the life and activities of Sir Stephen Edward De Vere of Curragh Chase, 1812-1904
(2024-10-17)The focus of this thesis is on the life of Sir Stephen Edward De Vere. In some ways, he might be viewed as a peripheral figure in nineteenth-century Irish history. Although he did serve as a Member of Parliament for county ... -
“It’s wrong but I can’t explain why!” Moral dumbfounding and moral judgement: how failure to justify moral judgements can inform our understanding of how they are made
(2024-10-17)Moral dumbfounding occurs when people fail to justify a strongly held moral judgement with supporting reasons. The discovery of moral dumbfounding coincided with a growth in intuitionist and dual-process theories of moral ... -
Markovianity and the Thompson Group F (Pre-published version)
(2022-10-27)We show that representations of the Thompson group F in the automorphisms of a noncommutative probability space yield a large class of bilateral stationary noncommutative Markov processes. As a partial converse, bilateral ... -
Marx and sprectres: a hauntological exploration of the poetry of Seamus Heaney through the lens of Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx
(2024-10-11)This thesis will examine the spectral inheritances and hauntings that dwell within the poetry of Seamus Heaney. It will use hauntology, an idea first coined by Jacques Derrida in Specters of Marx, as a way of locating and ... -
Pseudospectrum of an element of a Banach algebra (Pre-published version)
(Element Publishing House, 2017-03)The ε -pseudospectrum Λε (a) of an element a of an arbitrary Banach algebra A is studied. Its relationships with the spectrum and numerical range of a are given. Characterizations of scalar, Hermitian and Hermitian idempotent ... -
Pseudospectra of elements of reduced Banach algebras (Pre-published version)
(Springer, 2017)Let A be a Banach algebra with identity 1 and p ∈ A be a non-trivial idempotent. Then q = 1−p is also an idempotent. The subalgebras pAp and qAq are Banach algebras, called reduced Banach algebras, with identities p and q ...