Accused but innocent - what should a priest do?
Duffy, E. et al(2007) 'Accused but Innocent-What should a priest do'. The Furrow:A Journal for the Contemporary Church:Maynooth, Vol.57(4), p 207-220.

Duffy, Eugene
Connolly, Patrick
Conway, Eamonn
Lyons, Enda
Peer Reviewed
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Duffy, E. et al(2007) 'Accused but Innocent-What should a priest do'. The Furrow:A Journal for the Contemporary Church:Maynooth, Vol.57(4), p 207-220.
Many priests in Ireland feel somewhat vulnerable at the moment. They fear that if an accusation of sexual misconduct with minors is made against them, they will be removed from their duties with great publicity, without due process, and without a proper defence or hearing. They fear that a false accusation or perhaps even a suspicion arising from misunderstanding might result in their being
left for a long time in a kind of Mimbo' with little opportunity to restore their reputation or good name. What follows is an attempt to provide diocesan priests with some basic information and a few pointers regarding how to respond to an accusation.
Child molestation
Child abuse
Legal representation
Roman Catholic Church
Legal innocence
Criminal complaints