Department of English Language and Literature: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 265
Data-driven learning, theories of learning and second language acquisition: in search of intersections (Pre published)
(2021-11)This chapter focuses on the need to address both theories of learning and theories of language acquisition in data-driven learning (DDL) research. While it recognises that there has been so much worthwhile research work ... -
Teacher talk at three stages of English language teacher career development: a corpus-aided study
(2021-03-30)Classroom discourse (CD) and teacher talk (TT) have received much attention over the years across a range of research perspectives, from qualitative case studies of individual teacher narratives to large-scale quantitative ... -
C.S. Lewis: An Irish Writer (Pre-published version)
(Routledge, 2010-02-10)This article examines the effect of C.S. Lewis's Irish background on his work. It attempts to contradict the assumption that this Belfast-born writer should be included in the English and not the Irish canon. It emphasises ... -
Breaking through the looking-glass: (re)imagining Alice through visual representation
(2020-12-17)This thesis focuses on the visual iconography of the ‘Alice’ figure created in Lewis Carroll’s Alice books, and it traces the progression of Alice’s characterisation through multimodal platforms including illustration, ... -
‘With great power comes great responsibility’: The impact of the parent-child relationship on the development of the heroic identity within comic book and graphic novel culture
(2020-12-17)The aim of this thesis is to explore the impact of the parent-child relationship on the development of the heroic identity within the comic book and graphic novel genre. The life of a hero is seen as a solitary one. ... -
'Take him to the cleaners and make him do your homework': a corpus-based analysis of lexical structure used by English language learners
(2020-12-16)The present study is an empirical corpus based analysis of the use of four lexical bundles or strings by ESL students at a higher education centre in Ireland. The overall aim was to ascertain if students at both ends ... -
A postcolonial and disability studies analysis of a selection of popular contemporary novels about disability
(2020-12-10)This thesis will combine postcolonial theory and disability theory to analyse the representation of characters with a disability and their family members in a selection of contemporary popular novels. The texts examined ... -
The Untold story of the monster: a psychoanalytic analysis of the monster through the anamorphic lens
(2020-02-04)Research identifies the perception of evil as a mechanism to segregate people from inhuman and monstrous transgressors. Luke Russell defines that ‘the evil of the agent is supposed to provide a complete explanation of the ... -
Applying CA to a modes analysis of third-level spoken academic discourse (Pre-published version)
(Peter Lang, 2007)Given the dominance of English as the main language of academia (and we acknowledge the political implications of this statement), an accurate pedagogical description of it is important for those of us who are attempting ... -
Corpora and Media Studies (Pre-published version)
(Continuum, 2012)Traditionally, studies in media discourse have been divided into those that focus on spoken media (mostly radio genres) and those that focus on written media (mostly newspapers). Studies into spoken media discourse were ... -
Exploring indices of national identity in a corpus of radio phone-in data from Irish radio (Pre-published version)
(University of Valencia Press, 2002)Radio phone-in has a reflexive function in bringing the voices of a community to a community. For those who telephone the programme, it provides interpersonal communication even if they do not ‘go on air’. For those who ... -
Exploring television as an exponent of pragmatic and sociocultural information in foreign language learning (Pre-published version)
(CILT Publications, 2000)It is increasingly recognised that being both fluent and accurate in a foreign language will not always guarantee successful communication between speakers. According to Hyde (1998: 10), in his discussion on intercultural ... -
Corpora and the study of spoken language (Pre-published version)
(Mouton de Gruyter, 2008)Spoken corpora have evolved over the 40 last four decades from early attempts at corpus-building for the purposes of better understanding such phenomena as first-language acquisition, social variation and conversational ... -
Second language speaking (Pre-published version)
(Elsevier, 2006)Approaches to spoken language description have contributed to the understanding of second language speaking. Three theoretical frameworks have also provided insight. Language Identity looks at the impact an additional ... -
Using corpus approaches in English language teacher education (Pre-published version)
(Routledge, 2019)The aim of this chapter is to explore the ways in which corpus linguistics (CL) can facilitate teacher development in terms of content, pedagogy, technology, and research. Based on our own and other reported experiences ... -
At the hands of the Brothers: a corpus-based lexico-grammatical analysis of stance in newspaper reporting of child sexual abuse (Pre-published version)
(Palgrave-Macmillan, 2007)Over the last twenty years, the Irish people were confronted with a series of scandalous revelations about clergy and religious in Ireland; starting with the discovery that Eamonn Casey, while Bishop of Kerry, had fathered ... -
Reading and writing at university – raising genre awareness as initiation into a discourse community (Pre-published version)
(Reading Association of Ireland, 2003)The theoretical concepts of 'genre' and 'discourse community' will be drawn on in this paper to evolve a theoretical model that we hope to apply to the context of academic writing and to attainment at third level. Genre ... -
‘You’ve a daughter yourself?’: a corpus-based look at lexico-grammatical choices and pragmatic effects in question forms in an Irish radio phone-in (Pre-published version)
(Mouton de Gruyter, 2005)Questions are widely studied especially in institutional contexts where a pervasion of questions is characteristic of such genres, for example political interviews, doctor-patient exchanges, courtroom interactions, and ... -
Introduction: Language Awareness (Pre-published version)
(Taylor & Francis [Routledge], 2007) -
Analyzing spoken corpora (Pre-published version)
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)