Browsing Theology and Religious Studies (Peer-reviewed publications) by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 110
'A God embarrassed at the prospect of possession': exploring divine revelation
(Veritas, 2007)Divine revelation is the term Christians use to express the process whereby God discloses God’s self in history, a process that begins with creation and climaxes in the person of Jesus Christ. Christians understand God ... -
God in the workplace - challenges for third-level chaplaincy
(The Furrow, 2012) -
Gute und schlechte Nachrichten. Die Kirche in Irland nach einem schwierigen Jahrzehnt.
(2004)Die Republik Irland ist nach wie vor eines der "katholischsten" Lander Europas. Das Vertrauen gegenuber der Institution Kirche ist in den ietzten /ahren aber var altern wegen der zahlreich aufgedeckten Faile von Kindesmissbrauch ... -
Help for priests
(The Furrow, 2002)Over the past five years I have met most of the priests of the West of Ireland , and those in many other dioceses as well, and I have listened to them articulate their needs. Almost without exception they have spoken of ... -
Holy Thursday: deepening our appreciation for eucharist
(Columba Press, 1999) -
Homilies for February
(The Furrow, 1990) -
Homilies for January
(The Furrow, 1988) -
Homilies for January
(The Furrow, 1982) -
I will give you shepherds: The formation of priests.
(The Furrow, 1992) -
Introduction to Catholic primary education: facing New challenges
(Columba Press, 2012) -
The Irish chaplaincy in Britain
(The Furrow, 2015) -
Irish priests name their truths
(The Furrow, 2015) -
Issues of episcopal governance in the light of the Murphy report
(Dominican Publications, 2010) -
Jan van Ruusbroec and the modern devotion
(Cambridge University Press, 2012) -
John Scottus Eriugena
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) -
Lay and ordained ministry
(The Furrow, 2004)In the centuries immediately before Vatican II, the ordained priesthood was understood to be the exclusive locus of ministry in the Catholic Church. Since the Council, things have changed dra matically, and in some parts ...