Browsing Theology and Religious Studies (Peer-reviewed publications) by Title
Now showing items 93-110 of 110
Seksueel geweld tegen minderjarigen: De crisis in de lerse kerk en een schets van de theologische agenda
(2010)De Ierse kerk probeert inmiddels al vijftien jaar om te gaan met de misdaad van het seksueel misbruik van kinderen. In dit artikel zal ik op verzoek van de redactie van Tijdschrift voor Theologie enkele van de kwesties en ... -
Seminary formation
(The Furrow, 1989) -
The service of a different kingdom: child sexual abuse and the response of the church
(The Columba Press, 1999)This paper sets out to explore theologically some aspects of the recent Irish experience of child sexual abuse by priests and religious and to assess the implications for the life and ministry of the church. The insights ... -
So as not to despise God's grace: re-assessing Rahner's idea of the "anonymous Christian"
(Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 2004)Rahner’s idea of the “anonymous Christian” is the best known, most controversial and most often misunderstood aspect of his theology. It is important to re-visit the idea because it is not an “optional extra” in his work ... -
The 'sophisti-fication' of education - a Theological critique
(Paragon Publishing, 2008) -
Sunday without a Priest
(The Furrow, 2012) -
Tales of 'accidental theologians'
(2006) -
Technology and mystical Theology
(The Columbia Press, 2003) -
Theology in Ireland: Changing Contours and Contexts
(Veritas, 2005)It struck many people as strange that a topic such as this, a particularly broad and general one, would be chosen as the keynote address at a major symposium to honour the lives and work of Bernard Lonergan and Karl Rahner. ... -
Touching our wounds
(The Furrow, 2002)These have been harrowing weeks for the Church on both sides of the Atlantic. Grief has displaced Easter glory. The readings of the liturgical season have scarcely been heard over the statements, clarifications and letters ... -
Towards what kind of Priest?
(The Furrow, 1993) -
The Trinity from Schleiermacher to the end of the twentieth century
(Cambridge University Press, 2012) -
University education
(2007) -
The value of Theology
(The Furrow, 2002)The Irish Church has been criticized for its lack of theolo gical substance. Of recent years, on the other hand, there has been quite a growth in the study of theology both at the formal student level and at the more ... -
When the Christian Community Gathers on Sunday in the Absence of the Presbyter: What Happens?
(Veritas Publications, 2013) -
With reverence and love...
(The Furrow, 1998) -
The word that goes forth
(Veritas, 1997)The purpose of the summer school on media and the Churches was educational. It was meant to be an opportunity for broadcasters, journalists, Church spokespersons and the general public to come to a better understanding ...