FACULTY OF ARTS: Recent submissions
Now showing items 461-480 of 996
The problem of a subjective authenticity and the articulation of belonging among the Irish in England-a psychosocial approach (pre-print version)
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)This paper presents the question of identity and authenticity as a problematic one, capable of investigation through a psychosocial lens. ‘Authenticity’, as explored by Erickson (1995) and Weigert (1988, 2009) may be ... -
‘Plastic and proud’?: discourses of authenticity among the second-generation Irish in England
(University of Cambridge, 2009)This paper argues that understandings of authenticity are crucial in the construction of a diasporic identity and explores how members of the Irish diaspora in England construct discourses of what it means to be ‘authentically’ ... -
Remediating Viking origins: genetic code as archival memory of the remote past (pre-print version)
(Sage, 2013)This article introduces some early data from the Leverhulme Trust-funded research programme, ‘The Impact of the Diasporas on the Making of Britain: evidence, memories, inventions’. One of the interdisciplinary foci of the ... -
Whose day is it anyway? St. Patrick's Day as a contested performance of national and diasporic Irishness (pre-print version)
(Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism/John Wiley & Sons, 2012)One of the more intriguing aspects of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations as a nationalised ritual of a performed Irishness, both within and outside Ireland is the extent to which it represents a dialogue between territorialised ... -
The tyranny of transnational discourse: 'authenticity' and Irish diasporic identity in Ireland and England (pre-print version)
(ASEN / Blackwell, 2012)Through the prism of current state discourses in Ireland on engagement with the Irish diaspora, this article examines the empirical merit of the related concepts of diaspora and transnationalism. Drawing on recent research ... -
Becoming a Viking: DNA testing, genetic ancestry and placeholder identity (pre-print version)
(Taylor & Francis, 2016)A consensus has developed among social and biological scientists around the problematic nature of genetic ancestry testing, specifically that its popularity will lead to greater genetic essentialism in social identities. ... -
"Emigrants in the traditional sense?" Irishness in England, contemporary migration, and collective memory of the 1950s (pre-print version)
(Sage, 2015)Invocations of the experiences of previous generations of Irish emigrants have been frequent in discussions of the current wave of Irish emigration. This paper considers the mediating effects of viewing contemporary migration ... -
The Belavin-Drinfeld theorem on non-degenerate solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation
(IOP Publishing, 2010)We give a coordinate free proof of Belavin and Drinfeld's Theorem about the classi cation of non-degenerate solutions of the classical Yang-Baxter equation. The equivalence of different characterisations of non-degeneracy ... -
Algebraic dimension of twistor spaces whose fundamental system is a pencil (pre-published version)
(London Mathematical Society, 2017)We show that the algebraic dimension of a twistor space over nℂℙ2 cannot be two if n>4 and the fundamental system (that is, the linear system associated to the half‐anti‐canonical bundle, which is available on any twistor ... -
Moishezon twistor spaces without effective divisors of degree one (pre-published version)
(Universität Kaiserslautern, 1995)We study simply connected compact twistor spaces Z of positive type. Assuming that the fundamental linear system j \Gamma 1 2 Kj is at least a pencil, we prove the following theorem: the existence of an irreducible curve ... -
Sampling participants’ experience in laboratory experiments: complementary challenges for more complete data collection
(Frontiers, 2016)Speelman and McGann’s (2013) examination of the uncritical way in which the mean is often used in psychological research raises questions both about the average’s reliability and its validity. In the present paper, we argue ... -
Situated agency: the normative medium of human action
(Croatian Philosophical Society, 2014)In this paper the notion of individual agency is critically examined in light of the enactive approach to understanding the mind. It is argued that following the work of Hanne De Jaegher, Ezequiel Di Paolo, Tom Froese and ... -
Enacting a social ecology: radically embodied intersubjectivity
(Frontiers, 2014)Embodied approaches to cognitive science frequently describe the mind as “world-involving, ”indicating complementary and interdependent relationships between an agent and its environment. The precise nature of the environment ... -
How mean is the mean?
(Frontiers, 2013)In this paper we voice concerns about the uncritical manner in which the mean is often used as a summary statistic in psychological research. We identify a number of implicit assumptions underlying the use of the mean and ... -
'I know something now of my Irish subjects': Castle Rackrent and Maria Edgeworth's imagined communities
(Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, 2003) -
Imagi-nation in Brendan Kennelly's "Cromwell"
(Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, 2002) -
Review of 'Engaging modernity: Readings of Irish politics, culture and literature at the turn of the century'
(Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, 2004) -
Review of 'Brendan Kennelly: Behind the smile'
(Irish Province of the Society of Jesus, 2015) -
Twistor spaces with a pencil of fundamental divisors
(Documenta Mathematica, 1999)In this paper simply connected twistor spaces Z containing a pencil of fundamental divisors are studied. The Riemannian base for such spaces is diffeomorphic to the connected sum nCP2 . We obtain for n 5 a complete ...