Department of STEM Education
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'To be or not to bee?' Lesson study in early years education: what are the characteristics of an effective STEAM lesson?
(2025-03-21)This study investigates the integration of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in early years education using the innovative approach of lesson study. The aim of this research is to explore the ... -
From STEm to steM: developing the landscape of teacher learning for STEM education
(2025-03-13)The new Irish Primary Curriculum Framework introduces STEM as one of five broad curriculum areas, and publication of a STEM specification is imminent. Traditionally, STEM content has been taught as discrete disciplines ... -
Teachers' professional identities and development education
(Centre for Global Education, 2019)This article explores the relationship between development education (DE) and the notion of teachers’ identity. The Teaching Council’s Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers (2016a) is seen as a significant step forward ... -
Teachers’ understandings of lesson study as a professional development tool in a primary multi-grade school
(2022-03-30)With increasing focus on primary curricular reform in Ireland, growing understanding of the importance of education in the early years has led professional development organisations to consider the effectiveness of STEM ... -
Staticical preparation of teachers: preservice elementary teachers (PSTs) conceptions of distributions of data – thinking about measure of center and variability
(PME-NA [Psychology of Mathematics Education - North America], 2011)Prior research investigating PSTs’ statistical thinking is sparse, yet teacher educators need to know how best to prepare future teachers for their work and given the increasing importance of STEM education we need teachers ... -
Next steps in statistics education: identifying teacher professional development needs for teaching the data analysis component of primary level mathematics
(IASE [International Association of Statistics Education], 2009)This study reveals the pedagogical decision making undertaken when designing instruction for primary level statistics. We report on the activity of five groups of preservice teachers when engaging in Lesson Study and ... -
Getting the balance right: the equals sign
(INTO [Irish National Teacher's Organisation], 2011)Much of the number work carried out in primary classrooms contains elements of algebraic reasoning. In fact, equals sign work in junior and senior infants underpins much of the algebraic reasoning used in later years. In ... -
Abstract: Applying results of statistics education research to teaching statistics in Irish primary schools (Pre-published version)
(ISI [International Statistical Institute], 2011)In this research paper we explore the relationship between pre-service teachers' secondary mathematics scores and their readiness for teaching the new data analysis curriculum in Irish primary schools. Next we explore the ... -
Preface: statistics in early childhood and primary education
(Springer Nature, 2018) -
Lesson study in teacher preparation: driving inquiry and teacher noticing
(WALS [World Association of Lesson Studies], 2018) -
"ESRI research reviews new support programme for newly qualified teachers"
(ESRI [Economic & Social Research Institute], 2016)A new research report, ‘Review of the Droichead Teacher Induction Pilot Programme’, was published today by the ESRI and the Teaching Council,providing an in-depth examination of a new approach to teacher induction in primary ... -
Review of the Droichead teacher induction pilot programme (Working Paper)
(ESRI [Economic & Social Research Institute], 2015)The Droichead pilot programme is designed to provide whole-school support for teacher induction. The programme is innovative in being led at school level, by a Professional Support Team (PST) consisting of the principal, ... -
Indexing distributions of data: preservice teachers’ notions of representativeness (Pre-published version)
(Wiley, 2004)The purpose of the study was to identify strategies used by preservice elementary teachers to index distributions of data. A secondary purpose of the study was to investigate whether representational form influenced the ... -
Prospective primary teachers understandings of graphicacy (Pre-published version)
(Springer Verlag [Germany], 2016)This paper reports on the statistical knowledge of 456 entry-level, prospective teachers relating to data representation. We report on the responses of participants to three items sourced from the OECD Programme for ... -
Using architecture as a context to enhance students' understanding of symmetry
(AAMT [Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers], 2017)Working within the context of a contest to find the most beautiful tourist attraction in the world, Year 5 students investigate the most symmetric building from a short-list of three iconic buildings. This involves ... -
Practical problems: using literature to teach statistics
(NCTM [National Council of Teachers of Mathematics], 2016) -
Elementary and middle grade students’ constructions of typicality
(Elsevier, 2011)This study addresses the measures chosen by students when selecting or constructing indices to properties of distributions of data. A series of individual teaching experiments were conducted to provide insight into the ... -
An bhearna idir an teanga agus an t-ábhar a dhúnadh sa tumoideachas: Cur chuige bunaithe ar staidéar ceachta
(An Chomhairle um Oideachas Gaeltachta agus Gaelscolaíochta, 2015)Tá sé léirithe sa taighde go bhfuil éifeacht leis an bhFoghlaim Chomhtháite Ábhar agus Teangacha (FCÁT) i suíomhanna teanga éagsúla. Mar sin féin, níl tuiscint iomlán againn fós ar chomhtháthú teangacha agus ábhar in ... -
Coordinating student learning and teacher activity – The case of Savannah: Motivating an understanding of representativeness through examination of distributions of data
(St. Patrick's College, Dublin, 2007)This research study investigated the measures chosen by five 4th to 8th grade students when selecting statistical measures to describe distributions of data. Over the course of eight weeks of instruction, individual teaching ... -
A picture is worth a thousand words: Insights into graphicacy skills of primary prospective preservice teachers
(St. Patrick's College, Dublin, 2009)Graphs are an integral component of primary and secondary level mathematical experiences as a part of the probability and statistics strand. A review of curriculum implementation in primary mathematics revealed that, ...