Now showing items 21-30 of 473
The English grammar profile of learner competence: Methodology and key findings
(John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2017)
The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (Council of Europe 2001a) is an established benchmark for language competence (Jones & Saville 2009). It comprises six levels of competence from A1 (lowest) ...
Failure, guilt, confession, redemption? Revisiting unpublished research through a psychosocial lens (Pre-published version)
(The Association for Psychological Studies, 2017)
This article offers some critical reflections on a case of failure to bring a qualitative research project to completion and publication earlier in the author’s career. Possible explanations are considered in light of ...
Introduction: "The soul exceeds its circumstances": the later poetry of Seamus Heaney (Pre-published version)
(University of Notre Dame Press, 2016)
Geometric view of measurement errors
(Taylor and Francis, 2011)
The slope of the best fit line from minimizing the sum of the squared oblique errors is the root of a
polynomial of degree four. This geometric view of measurement errors is used to give insight into the
performance of ...
Introduction: Les Martyrs de la Veuve, Romantisme et peine de mort
(Peter Lang, 2010)
„Und wer den Schmerz einmal gesehen hat…”: Neue deutsche Jugendliteratur zum Nationalsozialismus, Zweiten Weltkrieg und Holocaust im Kontext des postmemorialen Wandels
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick and the University of Groningen, 2015)
Personal and collective memories of violence and warfare are part of broader discursive processes that are subject to constant reinterpretations and remediations from the perspective of the present. Engaging with the ...
The life and networks of Pamela Fitzgerald, 1773-1831
(Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, 2017)
This thesis assesses the life of Pamela Fitzgerald. Crucially, it will attempt to tell the story of
Pamela Fitzgerald from her own perspective, rather than the viewpoint of her husband, which
has dominated for so long. ...
Combating Social Disadvantage in Social Housing Estates:The policy implications of a ten-year follow-up study .
(Combat Poverty Agency, The Poverty Research Initiative., 2011-02)
Complementarities between Urban Centres on the Island of Ireland (NIRSA) Working Paper Series 56.
(NIRSA - National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis, 2010-04)
Complementarity between urban centres is a key element of Ireland‟s National Spatial Strategy and Northern Ireland‟s Regional Development Strategy. Both documents encourage the development of complementary roles for urban ...
Divided City: the Geography of Post-Celtic Tiger Limerick
(Cork University Press, 2011)