Now showing items 21-30 of 46
Loud crisis, quiet crisis: Varela’s proposal resonates in contemporary psychological science
(Constructivist Foundations, 2017)
Open peer commentary on the article “Varela’s Radical Proposal: How to Embody and Open Up Cognitive Science” by Kristian Moltke Martiny. Upshot: Varela’s proposal that science should be open to the phenomena of experience ...
Algebraic dimension of twistor spaces whose fundamental system is a pencil (pre-published version)
(London Mathematical Society, 2017)
We show that the algebraic dimension of a twistor space over nℂℙ2 cannot be two if n>4 and the fundamental system (that is, the linear system associated to the half‐anti‐canonical bundle, which is available on any twistor ...
Review of 'The Irish church' by Donnchadh Ó Corráin
(Thomond Archaeological and Historical Society, 2017)
An examination of adolescent mental and physical well-being in Scottish school children: A cross-sectional study
(Open Access Text (OAT), 2017)
Recent research has suggested that Scottish girls are more at risk of higher levels of psychosomatic symptomatology and lower levels of mental well-being that their male peers. We report the results of a cross-sectional ...
Review of Druid Theatre Company's 2016-17 production of Samuel Beckett's "Waiting for Godot"
(Edinburgh University Press, 2017)
George Bernard Shaw: Irish to the core
(The Irish Times, 2017)
Fired from the canon: Waking the feminists, the conference
(The Irish Times, 2017)
Disc-shaped fossils resembling porpitids or eldonids from the early Cambrian (series 2: stage 4) of western USA
(PeerJ, 2017)
The morphology and affinities of newly discovered disc-shaped, soft-bodied fossils from the early Cambrian (Series 2: Stage 4, Dyeran) Carrara Formation are discussed. These specimens show some similarity to the Ordovician ...
Review of "Bernard Shaw, W.T. Stead, and the new journalism: Whitechapel, Parnell, Titanic, and the Great War" by Nelson O'Ceallaigh Ritschel
(Penn State University Press, 2017)
The teacher as co-creator of drama: a phenomenological study of the experiences and reflections of Irish primary school teachers.
(Routledge, 2017-05-24)
Classroom drama in the Irish primary school context remains a relatively new endeavour and is largely under-researched. The knowledge base for all aspects of teacher education should be informed by rigorous reflection on ...